Championing Redlands Coast (CRC) is about facilitating a way for industry, government and the community to develop a platform to work collaboratively to shape a clear narrative and vision for Redlands Coast.
It seeks to strengthen the City’s offering, attract new and innovative businesses, attract talent and new opportunities to the region as result of marketing the opportunities of the project pipeline.
The foundation of the initiative is the Championing Redlands Coast research report in which the Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce collaborated with Industry, State Government, Local Government to identify the opportunities coming to the Redlands Coast.
The research report identified that the Redlands Coast has a bright future ahead with a $6b pipeline, 138 projects and over 12,000 construction years jobs.
The CRC project pipeline and economic research will be updated as new projects and initatives are identified. Click below to add your project to the CRC pipeline now.

CRC Futures Forum
CRC Futures Forum
On Wednesday 17th February 2021 the Redlands Regional Jobs Committee hosted the Inaugural Championing Redlands Coast, Futures Forum. The Futures Forum explored what $6b investment in our city, 138 projects and over 12,000 construction years jobs means for businesses, community and youth here on the Redlands Coast.
Between all our speakers, the event highlighted the deep connection between the desired outcomes of CRC and the fundamental components a vibrant regional economy. By the end of the event the message was very clear, that we all have our part to play in the success of the Redlands Coast and #abrightfutureahead.
The event which attracted close to 100 attendees from industry, government, social enterprise, schools & training institutions, had a jam packed line up of speakers (see below event agenda), including Kim Richards MP; Rhett Bowlen (RJC & CRC), Brad Flanagan (Jobs Queensland), Joel Salmon (Lendlease), the ‘Reinvention Panel Chat’ with Mark McKenzie (Transdev), Michael Mowkra (REA Global) and Adam Souter (Fiteni Properties), results of our Redlands Youth Career Aspirations Survey and our Redlands Coast Youth Leaders Panel Chat – discussing the future of our city.
Click below to view the Futures Forum PowerPoint presentation.

Youth Panel – The voice of the future Redlands
Adam Carmichael Redlands Regional Jobs Committee Member led our Redlands youth panel chat, which highlighted the importance of connecting industry and youth as early as possible as well as building a culture of collaboration and ownership of the city’s future;
Key highlights of the Panel Chat and Youth Careers Aspirations Survey :
- We need to help kids connect with industry and take advantage of the opportunities in the Championing Redland Coast pipeline coming to our city;
- 65% of kids want to stay in the Redlands if they can secure employment in a industry they are passionate about;
- Redlands needs to foster entrepreneurs as 45% of school leavers want to start their own business in the future.
- Be sure to view the full Youth Careers Aspirations Survey findings on slides 107 to 116.

Redlands Coast – Business Leaders Boardroom Forum Series
The Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce have begun the Championing Redlands Coast – Business Leaders Boardroom Forum Series.
They will run quarterly, bringing together the Redlands Coasts key movers and shakers, significant employers and key government representatives to collaborate on ways to shape a bright future ahead. Be sure to read up on each Boardroom Forum in our ‘News’ section and watch keynote speaker Dr Tim Moonen’s presentation on The Promise of Toondah Harbour – summary – TBOC 10-2020 – YouTube
1. 10 November 2020
2. 10 February 2021

The projects and initiatives identified in the Championing Redlands Coast project pipeline will shape our city. The research identified that each project will provide new opportunities, such as: connectivity, employment, education and lifestyle opportunities with key projects, catalytic infrastructure and initiatives providing an opportunity to shape the future of our Redlands Coast.

The Championing Redlands Coast Research piece identified over 138 approved, planned and aspirational projects on the Redlands Coast. The premise of the project was to identify that every project will shape the way we live, work and play in the Redlands.

The Championing Redlands Coast research also identified exactly how a number of projects in the region will shape and reinforce the key messaging that helps build our collective vision for the city.